

中山管理評論  2021/12

第29卷第4期  p.536-592


Heading to a New World with Higher Compensation: Why is TSMC Raising Employee Compensation?
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Ling-Chu Lee/

Department of Business Administration, National Pingtung University







This library case presents that TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company) announced to raise employee compensation in November 2020 with the objective of recruiting new employees and retaining incumbent employees. The compensation adjustment project is an important issue that should balance the benefits among many different stakeholders’ interests. If the magnitude of a raise in compensation is trivial, then TSMC cannot recruit enough new employees who will match its capital expansion plans. If the magnitude of a raise is significant, then the compensation costs will rise and hurt stockholders’ interests. Thus, TSMC needs to not only consider “how much” the magnitude of the raise is, but also “how” to execute the raise. The compensation scheme consists of fixed salary, variable bonus, and a relative weight between the two. Raising the fixed salary can attract new employees, but cannot necessarily motivate them. Raising the variable bonus can motivate employees, but cannot spur better cooperation. This case demonstrates the three compensation adjustment methods as well as their advantages and disadvantages. Based on the agency theory and the tournament theory, this case further teaches students how to balance the objectives of employees’ recruitment, employees’ motivation, and control over compensation costs.



Compensation Structure, Screening Effects, Incentive Effects, Tournament Theory



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