Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  1995/6
Vol. 3, No.2 p.63-72
Securities and Exchange Commission, Department of Economics National Chung Cheng University
(76_03024_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))信譽、舊股東售股、資訊不對稱、新上市股
New equity offering is an important source for business to raise capital. However, information asymmetry in new equity offering can cause outside investors react negatively to existing shareholders selling in an offering. The negative reaction can raise the effective cost of insider selling and discourage them from selling. Such a negative market reaction caused by information asymmetry not only reduce the liquidity of existing shareholders, but also insider selling implies an increase of cost for an enterprise to raise capital. These concerns motivate existing shareholders to establish a reputation of dealing fairly with outsiders. The reputation serves as an effective bond to convince outsiders that existing shareholders will not behave opportunistically when the present value of their reputational quasi-rents exceeds the one-time wealth transfer from the sale of shares. Existing shareholders trade off the opportunity cost of holding the shares and the price discount in the offering if they sell. Since reputable insiders can reduce the negative market reaction, the costs arise from selling shares will be lower. Therefore, reputable insiders are expected to be more likely to sell shares than nonreputable ones. In addition, a reputable third-party may be a substitute and/or a complement to facilitate insiders unwind their positions.
(76_03024_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))Reputation, Insider Selling, Information Asymmetry, New Equity Offering