Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

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Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  1995/6

Vol. 3, No.2  p.1-23

Warranties as Signal of Quality-A Consumer-side Experimental Examination
(76_03021_Full.pdf 8,991KB)

Shun-Ching Horng, Her-Shih Chueh/

Graduate Institute of Business Administration National Chengchi University


本研究擴大Boulding and Kirmani (1993) 對保證品質信號發射理論的實證研究,除了依賽局均衡解的定義重新提出更完整的可驗證性假設外,更將消費者行為研究的線索理論(Cues Theory)與信號發射理論相結合,而提出保證對經驗和信任品質屬性信念有不同程度影響的假設,並予以驗證。 利用實驗設計的方法,同時以實體產品和服務從消費者面對保證品質信號發射理論進行實證,經由分析與推論獲得下列結論: 1. 當消費者認知的限制機制可信度較高時,保證與消費者的知覺品質為顯著正相關。當消費者認知的限制機制可信度中等時,且對公司產生道德危險疑慮時,保證與消費者的認知無顯著關係。當消費者認知的限制機制可信度較低且對公司產生道德危險疑慮時,保證期間與知覺品質只呈現些微的負向關係,但並不顯著。 2. 保證對於信任品質屬性信念的影響程度比對經驗品質屬性信念的影響程度更大。 3. 知覺品質確實會影響購買意圖,且其影響方向為正。

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This research extended Boulding and Kirmani.(1993) which empirically studied warranty signaling theory. In our study, we proposed more comprehensive working hypotheses according to the equilibrium solution in the game-theoretic framework, combined the cues theory of the consumer research paradigm and signaling theory, and tested the differential impact of product warranty on experience and credence attributes of quality as well. In an 3 X 2 factorial design. we mainpulated company reputation (high vs. medium vs. low) and warranty length (long vs. short) for the influence of quality evaluation perception and purchase intention. The main findings were: 1. When the bonding mechanism was perceived as highly credible, there was a positive significant relationship between warranty and perceived quality. However, when the bonding mechanism was perceived as moderately credible and moral hazard was believed to be operating, there was was no significant relationship between warranty and perceived quality. Finally, when the bonding mechanism was perceived as low credible and moral hazard was believed to be operating, there was was no significant relationship between warranty and perceived quality. 2. Warranty had a stronger effect upon credence attributes than experience attributes. 3. Perceived quality has a positive, significant impact upon purchase intention.

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Warranty, Signaling Theory, Bonding Mechanism, Perceived Quality.

Policy and management implications
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