

中山管理評論  1995/12

第3卷第4期  p.42-63

The Impact of Management Style on the Perceived Job Characteristics of R&D Professionals: A LISREL Model
(74_03043_Full.pdf 1,046KB)

Quey-Jeh Yeh/

Department of Business Administration National Cheng-Kung University


由於部屬對工作特性的認知可用來量測主管的管理型態對部屬態度與行為之影響,一些學者,如Cordery及Wall (1985) 等,認為當代學界應加強主管的管理型態對部屬工作特性認知影響之研究,以期能更深入瞭解兩者間之相互關係。本文之目的在以LISREL方法,探討研發人員所感受到的主管之管理型態、以及研發人員本身內在的成就動機,對其工作特性認知的影響,以確認其間之相關型式及影響強度。研究結果雖顯示,研發人員個人成就動機與主管管理型態兩個內外部激勵因素,對工作特性認知皆有正向的影響關係,但是前者的影響似僅是隨機效果,而後者之影響則有全面性之顯著效果;而在所測試的五個工作特性中,工作回饋性與自主性是該建構中係數強度最高的兩個構面。研究結果亦顯示,認為其主管之管理型態為「高支持- 高指示」型之研發人員,在工作特性的認知上亦較高;該高認知並會進而提高研發人員之工作潛在激勵分數值。此外,如就支持型與指示型兩者在衡量管理型態建構上相較,支持型之係數強度較指示型者高出許多,顯示研發人員一般認為其主管之管理風格傾向支持型。





As subordinate’s perception of job characteristics can be used as a gauge for viewing the impact of management styles on subordinate attitude and behavior, several scholars, for example, Cordory and Wall (1985) suggested that systematic studies need to be performed to link supervisory behavior to job characteristics to explicitly address the interdependence between the two. The purpose of this article is to apply LISREL model to explore how the R&D professionals’ own achievement motivation and the management style perceived by the R&D professionals affect their job characteristic perception. The results indicate that while both achievement motivation and management style may positively impact on the perceived job characteristics, the effect generated by the former somehow seems to be just random, while the one generated by the latter seems to be significant and general; and among the five core job characteristics tested, “feedback from the job itself” and “autonomy” were the two dimensions that had the largest magnitudes in measuring the job characteristics construct. The results also indicate that the R&D professionals would have higher job characteristic perception if they perceive their supervisors are of high supportive - high directive style in management, and which would further enhance their motivating potential score at work. In addition, as the magnitude of the supportive style in measuring the management style construct was much larger than that of the directive style, it seems that most R&D professionals perceive their supervisors are more supportive than directive in management.



LISREL Model, Management Style, Achievement Motivation, Perceived Job Characteristics.

