

中山管理評論  1997/3

第5卷第1期  p.121-140

A Study on the Model of Selecting the Receivers in Technology Transfer: A Case of a Research Institute
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Benjamin J.C. Yuan, Chuen-Her Kuo/

Institute of Management of Technology National Chiao Tung University


台灣企業以中小企業為主體,中小企業常受限於人力、資金及設備,往往無法負擔技術研究發展龐大的支出。因此政府相關研究機構,如工業技術研究院,資訊工業策進會的技術研發成汞移轉,成為產黨界重要的技術來源之一。當研究機構欲將研發成汞移轉給廠商時,必須考慮研發成系移轉後,能夠創造出最大的經濟援益和社會效益。在技術移轉過程中,接受廠商能否有效承接技術並成功完成商品化,銷售至市場,是整個經濟效益創造過程的關鍵,同時帶給社會財富,創造就業機會,提升國人拔術能力,增強國家競爭力,發揮最大的社會效益。因而,政府相關研究機構以何準則選擇最能發揮技術移轉效益的接受廠商,即成為一個十分重要的課題。 技術提供者篩選拔衍接受者,則以有接受技術之能力且能充分發揮移轉之技術,以創造國家整體最大的經濟及社會效益者為最優。扶術接受者的能力包括了人力資源、技術能力、徑費能力、產出能力、經驗能力、管理能力和高層管理者之重視程度。又每項能力下的變數皆會影響技街的移轉績效。故本研究藉由文獻捧討及專家訪談方式,歸納出扶術移轉時,技術提供者考量影響技術移轉績效所需考慮的因素,再利用AHP問卷,將因素間的關係數量化,以建立一可操作模式,供作研究機構篩選移轉對象的參考。

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Due to lack of manpower, capital and facilities, the small and medium sized business, the backbone of Taiwan's economy, can not afford the huge expenses that are needed in R&D. Therefore the transfer of industrial technology from the government research institutes concerned, such as ITR!, to private sector has become a major source for manufacturers to acquire production technology. Before deciding to make the technological transfer to manufacturers, however, the research institutes must consider whether there will be a maximum amount of economic benefits created after such a transfer is completed. Since the key to creation of economic benefits in the transferring process depends on the manufacturing capabilities of inheriting the new technologies as well as their strategies in marketing the products, it is vitally important to select manufacturers that are most suited for the technology transfer. By means of discussion and by interviewing several experts in the related field, the paper has concluded various factors needed to. be considered when making technology transfer. In the meantime, with adoption of the analytic hierarchic process (AHP) questionnaire, the paper has created an operation pattern by quantifying the relations between different factors so that manufacturers can make proper selection before making the technology transfer.

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Technology transfer, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Consistency Index (CI), Consistency Ratio (CR)


