Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  1998/3
Vol. 6, No.1 p.85-114
Institute of Information Managemant National Chung Cheng University、Department of Information Managemant California Polytechnic State University、Institute of Information Managemant National Chung Cheng University
自國際標準組織於1987年3月頒布的ISO 9000系列標準以來,世界各國便陸續將ISO 9000系列轉而制定為各國品質系統制度。對於以出口為導向的我國經濟體制而言,推行ISO 9000系列以順應世界潮流是勢在必行的。目前圍內有關推動的ISO 9000認證上的文獻,大都偏重於現況分析、實施之助盆、過程模式、推動技巧與困難等,對資訊系統在推行ISO 9000系列認證時之研究則付之厥如。 本研究目的在探討影響取得ISO 9000認證之因素,了解ISO 9000認證廠商之資訊系統應用現況,並驗言重所提出之ISO 9000資訊系統模式,同時也對其資訊需求做分析與歸類。 本研究所提出之資訊系統模式由八大系統組成:策略管理、設計管理、採購管理、生產管理、行銷管理、品質管理、文件管理、和人事與財務管理。其中採購管理、生產管理和行銷管理方面的電腦化目前最為普遍,其次是人事與財務管理、文件管理、與品質管理方面。而八大資訊系統中的 「庫存管理系統」、「採購管理系統」、「倉儲管理系統」、「供應商管理系統」、「基準材料表管理系統」、「晶質管制系統」、「材料需求計劃系統」、「文件管理系統」、「品質稽核資訊系統」、及「製造資源規劃系統」等十項子系統對於ISO 9000推行與維持的助益程度較高。從決策層面來看,目前企業界在庫存、薪資、帳款、採購、會計、人事等屬於日常交易處理(TPS) 的應用最廣,其次是生產管制、生產排程、材料需l求、品質稽核等屬於管理資訊(MIS) 的應用,而高階主管支援、決策支援等屬於高階管理(EIS) 的應用最低。從廠商企業特徵來看,機械類產業的電腦化程度比其它行業來得高,而獲得9001 認證的廠商電腦化程度比獲得9002的廠商高,不過企業規模和外銷市場大小與管理活動電腦化程度並無顯著的差異。
(633512113496093750.pdf 277KB)ISO 9000、資訊系統模式、資訊需求
Since the announcement of ISO 9000 standards in 1987, many countries throughout the world have converted these standards into their own national quality standards. The European Community have even imposed ISO 9000 standards on most of the importing goods. As Taiwan's economy depends mainly on its exports, the manufacturing companies in Taiwan must obtain ISO certification in order to compete in the global market. Currently, most reported ISO studies have focused on the issues regarding its implementation profiles, benefits, process model, and difficulties. Very few studies have looked into the issues of information system (IS) structure for ISO 9000 implementation. Through a field survey, this study identifies the factors influencing the success in ISO certification, validates an ISO 9000 information system model, analyzes and categorizes the information items required by the ISO certification process, and analyzes the current IS profile in the ISO-certified manufacturing companies. The IS model proposed by this study consists of eight major information systems: strategic management, design management, purchase management, production management, marketing management, quality management, document management, and human resources/finance management. It was found that purchase management, production management, and marketing management are the three most popular information systems being computerized, followed by human resources/finance management, document management, and quality management. The critical success factors of ISO 9000 certification are: information profile, corporate culture and policy, communications between organizational units, motives of certification, education and training, and top-manager commitment. Among the eight information systems, inventory management, purchase management, warehouse management, supplier management, bill-of-material management, quality management, material requirement planning, document management, quality auditing, and manufacturing resource planning subsystems are most helpful in obtaining and maintaining IS 9000 certification. With respect to the level of IS applications, transaction process systems (TPS) such as inventory system, payroll system, accounting system, purchase system, human resources system are most widely used, followed by management information systems (MIS) such as production planning/control system, production schedule system, material requirement planning system, and quality auditing system. The decision support system/executive information systems are used in a few companies. The machinery industry has a higher degree of computerization than the other industries. In general, an ISO 9001 certified company has a higher degree of computerization than an ISO 9002 certified company. There are no significant differences in the degree of computerization based on the company size and the size of exporting market.
(633512113496093750.pdf 277KB)ISO 9000, Information System Model, Information Requirement
ISO 9000系列自1987年3月發布以來,全球至少有九十餘國已接納ISO 9000,並定為國家標準,而申請通過認證的公司也呈倍數成長,已引起一股「ISO 9000」風潮。所以許多企業皆紛紛引進ISO 9000,引入ISO 9000除了可以增加公司對外的形象,對公司的成本控制以及各項系統的品質有著莫大的助益,也提高公司的國際競爭力,但是,公司申請認證ISO 9000、引入ISO 9000的動機是否為達到這些目的,還是僅只是為了趕流行,認為別的公司申請,自己公司也非得去申請,抑或只為了應付訂貨商要求而已。除此之外,「資訊系統的使用」、「公司本質及制度」、「部門間的溝通協調」、「教育訓練」、「高階主管的支持」都是企業應該注意的焦點,企業是否有注意到呢? 今日企業在面臨龐大且複雜的資訊環境,需要一個整合性的資訊系統,提供經營資源,使資訊與業務密切結合,為企業帶來最大的利益。由本研究的結果可知,從ISO 9000資訊系統模式八大管理系統來看,可以先從「庫存管理系統」、「採購管理系統」、「倉儲管理系統」、「供應商管理系統」、「基準材料表管理系統」、「品質管制系統」、「材料需求計劃系統」、「文件管理系統」、「品質稽核資訊系統」、及「製造資源規劃系統」十項資訊系統對於ISO 9000推行與維持助益性較高之系統開始規劃與建立,然後再擴展到全部八大管理活動。這些資訊系統將有助於企業活動的標準化、合理化,使企業更具競爭力,促進ISO認證與再認證。 此外,國際間正吹著「環保風潮」,對於ISO 9000強調的是單純的「滿足顧客需求」,而且僅強調產品品質,因此,國際標準組織亦推出了“國際環境管理標準─ISO 14000系列”。從本研究回收的問卷發現,88%的企業已開始注意及蒐集有關ISO 14000系列的資料,顯示製造業對環保的投入亦不遺餘力。建議公司除了在「產品品質」上具有競爭力之外,還應具有「環保績效」的競爭力。