Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2000/3
Vol. 8, No.1 p.105-122
National Taiwan University
服務品質評量是服務晶質研究領域中極為重要的課題,目前較受囑目且差異較顯著的評量模式有: PZB(1988)所提的SERVQUAL、Cronin & Taylor(1992)提出的SERVPERF及Brown,Churchill & Peter(BCP,1993) 提出的無差異分數(non-difference score)等三者,至今針對此三者進行比較研究者甚少,尤其對預測能力的比較分析更為稀少,且部份之研究存在相異的結論。因此本研究以這三種模式為基礎,配合採用以各服務屬性所對應之期望水準作為其權數的衡量方法,則形成六種不同的許量模式,針對此六種評量模式嘗試利用實證結果進行信度、效度和各評量模式之預測能力等較完整的比較研究,來探討、比較這些評量模式之優劣。 本研究以網際網路服務業(Internet Service Provider, ISP)作為實證研究的對象產業,經實證獲得如下之結論: 一、整體而言,以未加權之無差異分數評量模式(NDSERQUL)具有最佳之信度、效度及預測能力,亦即無差異分數評量模式是六種評量模式中最佳的評量方法。 二、未加權評量模式之優劣依序為﹒ NDSERQUL、SERVPERF及SERVQUAL。此結果與Cronin & Taylor(J 992)及BCP(1993)之結論是一致的,而且聲合二者之結果,進一步獲知無差異分數評童模式(NDSERQUL)不但較具理論基礎,且是較佳的評量模式。 三、加權評量模式之比較,僅能獲知加權之無差異分數評量模式(EWNDSERQUL )是加權者評量模式中最佳者,其餘二者(EWSERVQUAL 與EWSERVPERF)則未能獲得明確之結論。
(633506355500937500.pdf 244KB)服務品質、SERVQUAL、SERVPERF、無差異分數
Measurement of service quality is a critical topic in the domain of service quality survey. The most popular and significant evaluation approaches are: SERVQUAL by PZB (1988), SERVPERF by Cronin & Taylor (1992), and non-difference score by Brown, Churchill & Peter (BCP, 1993). There are few studies about the comparison of the three alternatives, especially that of comparison of the forecasting ability. Some conclusions are of different opinions. This study is based on these three alternatives, and takes expected level as weight of measurement. Six evaluation approaches are formulated. The credibility, reliability, and forecasting ability are evaluated to find the strength and weakness of these alternatives. The studied industry is Internet Service Provider (ISP). The conclusions are as follows: l. ln general, the unweighted non-difference score(NDSERQUL) is best on credibility, reliability, and forecasting ability. 2. The rank of the unweighted approaches is: NDSERVQUL, SERVPERF, SERVQUAL. This result is consistent with the conclusion of Cronin & Taylor (1992) and that of BCP (1993). By combining both the results, we find that NDSERQUL is more theory-based and better. 3. The comparison of the weighted approaches simply point out that EWNDSERQUL is the best of the weighted approaches. There is no significant result of EWSERVQUAL and EWSERVPERF.
(633506355500937500.pdf 244KB)Service Quality, SERVQUAL, SERVPERF, Non-difference score
本研究以目前較受矚目且差異較顯著的評量模式:PZB(1988)所提的SERVQUAL、Cronin & Taylor(1992)提出的SERVPERF及Brown, Churchill & Peter(1993)提出的無差異分數(non-difference score)等三者的評量模式為基礎,配合採用以各服務屬性所對應之期望水準作為期權數的衡量方法,而形成六種不同的評量模式,針對此六種評量模式利用實證結果進行信度、效度和各評量模式之預測能力等較完整的比較研究,來探討、比較這些評量模式之優劣,以作為學術界及實務界在進行服務品質衡量時的參考。