Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

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Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2002/12

Vol. 10, No.4  p.683-706

The Effect of Organizational Change Strategy on Managers Job Stress
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Min-Chin Miao、Huo-Tasn Chang/

Chinese Culture University、NationaI Changhua University of Education


本研究係根據組織變革權變模式與工作要求一控制權模式,以探討變革規模及領導風格對工作要求及控制權之主要及聯合效果,並探討公司規模對變革規模及工作要求聞之干擾效果。本研究得到下列三項主要發現: 1. 變革規模雖未能有效影響經理人的工作要求,卻對工作控制權有顯著正向影響,強制變革領導風格對經理人的工作要求有顯著正向影響,並對工作控制權有微弱負向影響。2. 變革規模及領導風格對工作要求既無聯合效果,也無交互效果,但二者卻對工作控制權有聯合效果,而無交互效果。3. 中小企業的變革規模對工作要求有微弱負向影響,但大型企業的變革規模對工作要求有微弱正向影響。由此可見,品的戰變革策略能有效影響經理人之工作壓力,但以變革領導風格的效果較顯著,且對工作控制權的影響較大,同時,公司規模對變革規模與工作要求問具干擾效果。

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Based on the contingency model of organizational change and job demand-control model, the purpose of this study is to investigate the main effects and conjoint effects of scale of change and styles of change leadership on managers' job demand and control. Besides, this research also explores the moderation effects of firm size on scale of change and job demand. Three major findings of this study are: 1. The scale of change has no effect on mangers' job demand, but has positive effect on job control. The style of coercivechange leadership has positive effect on mangers' job demand; but has slightly negative effect on job control. 2. Scale of change and styles of change leadership have no conjoint and interaction effect on job demand; on the other hand, they have conjoint effect but no interaction effect on job control. 3. Medium-small businesses' scale of change has slightly negative effect on job demand. Large firms' scale of change, on the contrary, has slightly positive effect on job control. These findings indicate the effect of organizational change strategy on managers' job stress is significant, especially, the styles of change leadership, and the effect on job control is more significant. Meanwhile, firm size has moderation effect on scale of change and job demand.

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Job-Demand -Control Model, Job Stress, Organizational Change Strategy, Contingency Model of Organizational Change

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

組織變革策略因常涉及到個人習慣改變、安全感受威脅、收入降低、對未知的害怕及選擇性處理處訊,故常帶給員工相當的壓力。而經理人位居企業要職,工作煩冗,原本就是我國工作壓力比率第二高的職業,若其工作壓力再增,恐將惡化其生理、心理及行為症狀,進而影響企業的經營。有鑑於此,乃著手進行本研究。   本研究得到下列二項主要發現:1.變革規模雖未能有效影響經理人的工作要求,卻對工作控制權有顯著正向影響;強制變革領導風格對經理人的工作要求有顯著正向影響,並對工作控制權有微弱負向影響,但大型企業的變革規權對工作要求有微弱正向影響。2.聯合樂革規權及領導風格雖未能更有效影響工作要求,卻能更有效影響工作控制權。3.中小企業的變革規模對工作要求有微弱負向影響,但大型企業的變革規模對工作要求有微弱正向影響。   雖然過去實證研究未能肯定係積極型或鬆弛型工作適應最佳,惟其均能肯定工作要求的負向影響及工作控制權的正向影響,並能肯定緊繃型工作適應最差。所以,台灣企業應增加變革規模,採用合作變革領導風格(即多採魅力轉型策略,少採強迫進化策略),方能為經理人塑造出適宜的工作設計。此外,本研究所發展的組織變革策略問卷與工作壓力可卷,其不僅作答簡易,計分方便,且信度與效度均佳,實為實務界瞭解組織變革策略與工作壓力之良好工具。
