Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2024/6
Vol. 32, No.2 p.267-290
Department of Health Care Management, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences; Department of International Business, Providence University; Department of Business Management, National Sun Yat-sen University; Department of Business Management, National Sun Yat-sen University
(167_M666fd1154c3ba_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))女性董事、董事會、醫院、財務績效
Boards of directors are responsible for implementing supervisory mechanisms and improving organizational operations. Due to the growing international attention to gender diversity on boards of directors, female directors are worthy of discussion. This study investigated the effects of female directors on the financial performance of non-profit hospitals in Taiwan. The data were sourced from the Department of Medical Affairs of the Ministry of Health and Welfare from 2006 to 2017 and included a total of 363 observations from 32 comprehensive non-profit hospitals. According to the empirical results, the percentage of females in non-profit hospitals averaged at 25.8% and was negatively related to the financial performance of these hospitals. According to the investigation of the various types of non-profit hospitals, the percentage of females in religion type hospitals was the highest (29.5%), followed by corporate type hospitals (14.5%) and general type hospitals (14.0%). In addition, the percentage of female directors in religion type hospitals had significantly negative effects on the financial performance of these hospitals, while the percentage of female directors in corporate type hospitals had significantly positive effects on the financial performance of these hospitals. The overall empirical results showed that the roles and effects of female directors in different types of non-profit hospitals are different.
(167_M666fd1154c3ba_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))Female Director, the Board of Director, Hospital, Financial Performance
自2020 年起,投稿本刊之文章,均不需提供政策與管理意涵。已接受但尚未刊登之文章則仍依原稿件格式撰寫。
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