Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2024/6
Vol. 32, No.2 p.225-266
Department of Business Administration, National Cheng Kung University
平台與生態系的研究認為標準與模組型結構會促使生態系形成鬆散耦合的企業分工體制。本研究的分析對象通訊系統是一個複雜產品系統 (Complex Products and Systems,CoPS),企業制定技術標準將可讓不同的通訊系統之間擁有相容性,並且成為生態系中的平台業者。然而,平台業者往往面臨制定技術標準的悖論,也就是標準可以為生態系創造企業分工的價值,但是亦有可能會降低對生態系的控制能力。本研究分析參與第三代合作夥伴計劃 (3rd Generation Partnership Project,3GPP) 通訊標準制定組織的企業如何提高結構創造與結構控制的能力。本研究並且提出結構創造的程度越高,就越需要提升結構控制的程度,藉此才能在複雜產品系統生態系中鞏固自身持續成為平台業者的領導角色。
(167_M666fd101b6a88_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))複雜產品系統、產品結構、生態系、技術規格書、標準必要專利
The research on platform and ecosystem believes that the standard and modular architecture will promote the formation of a loosely coupled interfirm division of labor in the ecosystem. The telecommunication system analyzed in this study is complex products and systems (CoPS). Firms' development of technical standards will enable different telecommunication systems to have compatibility and become the platform providers in the ecosystem. However, platform providers often face the paradox of technical standards; that is, standards can create the value of the interfirm division of labor for the ecosystem but may also reduce platform providers’ ability to control the ecosystem. This study analyzes how firms participating in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) standard-setting organizations can improve the capabilities of architectural creation and control. This study also proposes that the higher the degree of architectural creation, the more architectural control needs to be enhanced to consolidate themselves as the platform providers in a complex products and systems ecosystem.
(167_M666fd101b6a88_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))Complex Products and Systems, Product Architecture, Ecosystem, Technical Specifications, Standard Essential Patents
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