Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2024/6
Vol. 32, No.2 p.185-224
Department of Public Administration and Management,National University of Tainan; Department of Information Management, National Central University; Department of Public Administration and Management, National University of Tainan
(167_M666fd0ea9a737_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))服務失誤嚴重度、顧客慣性、現狀偏誤理論
Drawing on status quo bias theory, this study investigates and empirically tests the moderating role of customer inertia in a service failure model as well as determines the antecedents of customer inertia. In total, 373 valid data were gathered using the retrospective experience sampling method and analyzed using a latent moderated structural equations approach. The results indicate that service failure severity positively affects customer dissatisfaction, whereas service failure severity and customer dissatisfaction negatively influence repurchase intention. In addition, customer inertia moderates the service failure severity–customer dissatisfaction, service failure severity–repurchase intention, and customer dissatisfaction–repurchase intention relationships. The findings also support a positive relationship between customer inertia and its antecedents—cognitive misperception factors (i.e., habit and loss aversion), rational decision-making factors (i.e., uncertainty costs and transition costs), and psychological commitment factors (i.e., sunk costs). The theoretical and practical implications are further discussed.
(167_M666fd0ea9a737_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))Service Failure Severity, Customer Inertia, Status Quo Bias Theory
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