

中山管理評論  2021/12

第29卷第4期  p.655-682


置之死地而後生— 海馬企業的重塑歷程
Renewing after Destruction- the Reshaping Process of Hai Ma Enterprise
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Jing Huang、Han-Yu Lee/

Department of Business Administration,National Taiwan University of Science and Technology、 Department of Business Administration,National Taiwan University of Science and Technology


創業,往往荊棘滿途。2006年,謝董決定全資收購瀕臨倒閉的化妝品企業。縱使曾經積累了豐厚的資源,但是混亂的內部管理和瞬息萬變的外部環境早已讓公司搖搖欲墜。重塑新策略,成了唯一的活路。最終,公司透過策略與組織的重設計打開了市場,技術不斷突破,逐漸成為中國化妝品行業具有領先地位的企業。 本教學個案以產業組織模式 (I/O Model) 作為藍本,分別通過SWOT分析、Porter通用策略、組織設計等角度來探討整個策略形成的歷程。希望教師以此讓學習者瞭解如何運用分析工具與概念,來分析市場環境、選定適配策略、改變組織結構,在競爭激烈的產業中脫穎而出。





Entrepreneurship is often a difficult task. In 2006, Chairman Xie decided to buy a cosmetics company that was on the verge of bankruptcy. Even though this company once had abundant resources, the chaotic internal management has caused the company to continue to decline. Reshaping a new strategy has become the only way to survive. In the end, the company opened the market through the redesign of strategy and organization, and continued to make breakthroughs in technology, gradually becoming a leading company in the cosmetics industry in China. This teaching case uses the industrial organization model as a blueprint to explore the entire strategy formation process. Using SWOT analysis, Porter general strategy, organizational design and other perspectives to explore the entire strategy formation process. It is hoped that the facilitator will guide the learners to understand how to use analytical tools and concepts to analyze the market environment, select suitable strategies, change the organizational structure, and make the company outstanding in the highly competitive industry.



I/O Model, SWOT Analysis, Porter General Strategy, Organization Design



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