

中山管理評論  2021/9

第29卷第3期  p.467-514


Material Circulation, Value Co-creation, Co-sharing, and the Establishment of Ecosystem: A Study of Small Social Enterprise – Give-Circle
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Mei-Chen Hsieh, Ting-Ling Lin, Yi-Yuan Chen/

Department of Airline and Transport Service Management, Vanung University; Department of Business Administration, National Taipei University; Department of Business Administration, National Taipei University


本研究以單個案鑲嵌式研究方法,探討小型社會企業創業者,如何在創建平台生態系統的動態過程中,以中心參與者角色,隨參與者的出現與破壞,重新綑綁新舊參與者資源,建構能力與管理協調機制,進而為所有參與者共創與 共享價值。結果顯示,平台創業團隊,從創意開始到執行,堅持理念為最重要關鍵;其次,須透由市場知識學習,培養動態能力,並以資訊公開、透明與回饋機制,建立參與者互利關係及取得信任基礎;在取捨參與者時,理念一致與認同,是促進平台互補創新的要件;平台開放讓更多參與者涉入,是平台能力累積與資源重新綑綁的機會,並應建立彼此高度依賴的啟發式控制機制,促使平台成功運作,藉此共創與共享價值,建構生態系統的永續發展。





This study uses a single case mosaic method to explore how small social enterprise entrepreneurs create a platform ecosystem. With the appearance and destruction of platform participants, social enterprises play a role of central actor to re-bundle the old and new resources, build capabilities and mechanics of management and coordination during dynamic process to co-create and co-share values for all platform participants. The results indicate that from idea generation to implementation, the platform entrepreneurial team adhere to the concept is the most important. Secondly, learn from market at any time to cultivate dynamic capabilities. Embrace information openness and transparency, as well as feedback mechanisms to establish mutually beneficial relationship and get trust among participants. As to the trade-off of participants, unanimous vision and identification are essential factors to increase platform complementary advantages and innovation. Platform openness to involve more participants is an opportunity to accumulate capabilities and re-bundle resources. Besides, a highly dependent coordination and control mechanism could promote the successful operation of platform, thereby co-creating and co-sharing value, and constructing sustainable development of the ecosystem.



Material Circulation, Value Co-creation, Value Co-sharing, Ecosystem, Social Enterprise



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