Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2016/12
Vol. 24, No.4 我國產業個案專刊 p.849-878
Graduate School of Creative Industry Design, National Taiwan University of Arts; Department of Information Management, Yuan Ze University
近年來隨著生活型態改變,電子商業蓬勃發展,相對侵蝕實體通路的業績,零售業者除了在實體店面改變經營型態外,也紛紛跨足虛擬通路。金財通公司規劃透過跨通路虛實整合平台服務創新專案,導入智慧推薦技術,扮演虛實通路企業客戶合作之促進者(facilitator),延伸其電子商務平台對企業客戶的服務價值,並讓消費者增加商品優惠與兌換通路的選擇,以增加顧客滿意度與忠誠度。 金財通公司透過對企業客戶的智慧推薦優惠互換、與對消費者的智慧推播派送序號兩種類型O2O服務模式,希望擴大虛實通路整合的網絡效應。基於兩種不同取徑的服務模式,引出經營階層對服務創新專案執行與否的策略思考與決策點。陳總經理面臨兩難抉擇的處境,因為在思考服務創新專案執行與否的決策時,究竟是要持續經營自己專長也較有把握、但是市場衰退的金融整合服務?還是要大力發展較為生疏、但是部門業績蒸蒸日上,充滿發展空間的企業行銷服務?專案決策後也將揭開金財通由系統整合公司轉型成電子商務平台經營者所必須面臨的困難與挑戰,與其所延伸出對公司經營發展之影響;以及探究發展第三方O2O平台的跨邊網絡效應模式與經營階層需思考的因素。
(135_M5a1e42b6c23da_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))虛實整合、O2O、服務創新、跨邊網絡效應、服務價值
Changes in lifestyle have brought about rigorous developments in e-business outperforming physical channels. Retailers have changed their physical business models and started developing virtual channels. The service innovation project clicks-and-mortar platform of BankPro E-Service Technology Co., Ltd. sought to integrate intelligent recommendation technologies, facilitate cooperation with corporate clients via virtual channels, increase a service value of an e-business platform for corporate clients, and add new channels for special offers and redeeming the products, thus, increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty. BankPro Corporation aimed to improve network effects of the clicks-and-mortar platform by employing two types of online-to-offline (O2O) models, one for intelligent recommendation of special offers to corporate clients and one for sending e-coupon serial numbers to consumers. The two service models served as the basis for strategic thinking and decision-making related to application of the service innovation project. General manager Chen was faced with a difficult choice when deciding to launch the service innovation project: whether to continue with financial business-to-business (B2B) services despite market decline or to develop profitable business-to-consumer (B2C) sales services despite their unfamiliarity. This study also revealed difficulties and challenges associated with the transformation of BankPro Corporation from a system integration company into an e-business platform operator, as well as its impact on corporate development, and explored the factors that need to be considered when developing the third-party O2O service model with cross-side network effects.
(135_M5a1e42b6c23da_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))Clicks-and-Mortar, O2O, Service Innovation, Cross-side Network Effect, Service Value
近年來國內外近年陸陸續續出現眾多新的O2O平台,但成功案例卻不多,可見電子商務業者在虛實整合模式之下,具有許多創新服務空間。金財通公司在新興的O2O領域中,導入智慧推薦技術以第三方O2O平台扮演虛實通路合作之促進者(facilitator)的角色,提供O2O創新服務。 依據金財通所提出之O2O服務創新專案,金財通讓同屬性商店能互動,交換優惠訊息或是智慧推播的引流,而無論是虛擬通路或是實體通路業者,均能增加其會員數量,進而提升整體營收。所提出的營運模式,不僅能整合虛擬通路與實體通路之業者,更能替平台本身與消費者創造服務新價值。 金財通轉型成為第三方O2O平台經營者,在策略面可以從下列三方面關鍵轉變進行優化:(1)從控制資源轉向引導資源:金財通擁有企業客戶等龐大資產,透過平台經營讓跨通路的企業客戶與消費者運用雙方的資訊與能耐,連結雙方,鼓勵有價值的交流、讓他們在平台上互動,便能讓雙方互蒙其利。(2)從內部優化轉向外部互動:金財通已從先前的體系供應鏈資訊服務廠商協助供應鏈廠商成本下降的角色,轉變為跨體系廠商間或虛實通路間服務價值的促進者。(3)從重視顧客價值:金財通透過工研院智慧推薦引擎技術讓參與虛實通路的企業客戶、虛實通路的消費者,以及金財通本身等平台生態系統總價值能夠提升。 在創新專案執行過程中,金財通的專案經理人員也需了解並追蹤的新指標,包括:虛實通路優惠互換的優惠的點閱率、派送序號兌換率、公司的企業客戶的參與數量與在平台進出情況、虛實通路配對優惠券的兌換率與金額及被配對的企業客戶滿意度、消費者使用優惠券的客訴量增減等關鍵指標。 另外,個案中金財通增加虛實通路整合的消費者服務平台,為取得跨邊網絡效應的能力,對實體通路與虛擬通路這兩群企業客戶均提供服務,負擔部分成本,也能從這兩群企業客戶賺取收入,只要撮合虛實通路兩邊企業客戶與虛實通路消費者的需求,平台價值便會增加。
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