Department of Business Administration, National Dong Hwa University; Discipline of International Business, Yuan Ze University
(125_M57e206a0c40f2_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))遠距照護、經營模式、價值主張、演化
Since the demand of health care of elderly people and chronic patient is booming with the coming of aging society. There are various types of health care services be developed actively around the world. In order to increasing the efficiency in the use of medical resources, it seems to offer a good opportunity for developing telecare services with the widespread of internet and the advance of internet’s implication and medical instruments. Smart Care Inc., an affiliate of Min-Sheng Healthcare Group, was founded in 2009. It constantly explored how to build a feasible sustainable and profitable business model in telecare field. It included the deinstitutionalized elderly care service in the early year, and then transformed into the discharged patient care services, as well as the current line of maternal care services. Under the limited resources as well as it wished it can reduce the resource dependence on Min-Sheng Healthcare Group as much as possible, it was developed quite hard. Through discussing the evolution of Smart Care’s business models in different periods, including value propositions, customer segmentations as well as profit models. It would like to lead students to understand the nature of the business model and the essential concepts of platform business.
(125_M57e206a0c40f2_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))telecare, business model, value proposition, evolution
本個案描述了智能醫學科技創立初期所遭遇的挑戰與演變歷程,可供教師於課堂上討論新興事業下的機會辨識、商業模式設計,以及平台事業策略等議題。適合運用於產業分析、策略管理,以及網際網路事業經營等課程中。由個案討論中,可延伸以下主要政策與管理意涵。 第一,以技術驅動,而非從使用者體驗著手設計服務流程的商業模式,不易取得使用者的信賴,也難以發現獲利模式。原因在於以技術驅動的服務流程,容易陷入「完美產品」的迷思,限制了服務模式創新的想像空間。以使用者體驗著手的服務流程,著重於先了解人性需求,再提出合適的產品與服務。尤其在照護服務業當中,人性關懷扮演相當重要的角色,這有別於傳統上以疾病與治療為重點的醫療服務思維,除了服務平台的功能性價值外,使用者更為關切社會性價值。 第二,在進行商業模式設計時,需考量平台商業模式的經營特點。包括(1)生態系統的建立與競爭型態有別於傳統的垂直價值鏈的競爭,平台的「覆蓋」能力能使平台迅速擴展至不同的服務領域;(2)網路效應下的規模經濟。平台系統的建置、建立服務的標準流程,以及服務人員的訓練等,在初期都需要有相當的成本投入。但服務的邊際成本低,若能促發使用者的網路效應,或跨邊的網路效應,規模成長所帶來的規模經濟效益是獲利的關鍵;以及(3)在定價上關於付費方與補貼方的設定,需考量不同邊的價格敏感度以及邊際成本。 第三,非市場性因素的影響。包括政府以計畫推動方式扶植新興產業發展,易造成企業在進行事業發展時,陷於當初的計畫構想與架構,降低了應變能力與創新;而在全民健保制度下,降低了醫療服務提供者積極改善效率的誘因,以及使用者對於非健保給付範圍的服務的付費誘因;以及在服務提供上,遠距照護業者與醫療服務提供者的互賴性,除了需要合作雙方的資源承諾外,雙方的信任也很重要。
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