

中山管理評論  2015/9

第23卷第3期  p.681-704


An Exemplar of the Food Industry
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Yi-Wen Fan, Yu-Hsien Fang, Wen-Shiung Lian, Yea-Huey Su/

Department of Information Management, National Central University; Department of Information Management, National Central University; Department of Information Management, National Central University; Department of Information Management, National Central







This library case describes the expired material event of I-MEI Foods Company in mid-2013. It serves as a vehicle to enlighten students to deliberate and analyze why this exemplar in food industry suffered just because of saving raw materials cost NT$100,000. The case also provides a rich context in which students could think critically about how to explore cost-down decision problems. The teaching case offers the opportunity for students to gain mental models about “emulate those better than oneself ” and “learn one’s lessons from others’ mistakes.”



Library Case, Cost Down, Crisis Management


社會科學學門教學最困難的部分是教導學生分析及整合真實世界的多元觀點,因此本個案藉由一個真實事件的圖書館個案,讓學生可以在教室中充實其多元觀點的心智模式,進而學習思考及分析為什麼信譽良好的義美公司製造部門主管會為了節省新台幣十萬元原料費用,自行檢驗已經過期但是經冷藏保存的原料,發現品質沒問題之後便微量添加入2012年7、8月間所生產的小泡芙產品中,造成商譽損失及打擊消費者信心的事件。 個案本文及個案討論設計讓學生學習批判性思考經驗來反省所有企業都重視的「節省成本」理念應該怎麼實踐才有意義。個案中義美公司更為了處理這個節省成本決策而一再向大眾致歉,並捐出1500萬元給消費者公益團體,以「呼應消費者對食品安全的關切」,讓學生可以「從別人的錯誤中學習寶貴的教訓或經驗」—未考量多元觀點的錯誤節省成本決策須要花費更多心力及資源來善後。此外,本個案也讓學生從教學前事先研讀及個案教學討論中學習真實事件的「見賢思齊」典範。


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