Department of Marketing and Distribution Management, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology
(115_2014005_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))感官層次、心理模擬、觸覺需求、認知負荷、產品評價
The purpose of this study is to examine the mental simulation process of sensory layer on product evaluation. Three experiments were conducted, the experiment 1 is to analysis the effect of single-layer sensory and Multi-layer sensory on product evaluation; The experiment 2 is to analysis the moderation of need for tactile (NFT) between sensory layer and product evaluation; The experiment 3 is to analysis the moderation of cognitive load between sensory layer and purchase intention. The results show the significant effect of sensory layer via mental simulation process on product evaluation, and multi-layer sensory increased more product evaluation than single-layer sensory. The results also expose that for less NFT participants who have more product evaluation than single-layer sensory in the condition of multi-layer sensory, but no significant effect for high NFT participants. Finally, the results indicate that for no cognitive load participants who have more purchase intention in a situation of multi-layer sensory than single-layer sensory, but no significant effect for cognitive load participants.
(115_2014005_Abs.pdf(File does not exist))Sensory Layer, Mental Simulation, Need for Tactile, Cognitive Load, Product Evaluation
零售業行銷方式日漸同質化,舉凡以折扣、積點、贈品為主的傳統促銷方式,使價格成為行銷的關鍵因素。這些傳統的行銷方式主要是以結果為取向,卻忽略了消費過程的親歷與自主性的內在價值,導致遺失另一部分的顧客利益。在各零售業者以價格優惠競爭之時,更應思考消費者正在追求感官體驗與消費的心理過程,而不僅是便利與價格的短暫滿足。因此,營造消費者追求情境體驗的感官行銷模式將成為零售業的未來行銷趨勢。 本研究以感官行銷理論為基礎,建立感官心理模擬過程之研究架構,以探討零售產業在規劃行銷策略中,所應重視的消費者感官類型、決定過程、情境因素以及構面之間交互影響的關係。本研究從心理模擬角度進行分析後發現,管理者似乎更應瞭解消費者進行決策前的心理模擬因素;也就是說,需以更強烈的「市場導向」、「站在消費者立場」來設計消費決策流程,以便周延地進行服務供應,並確保銷售資訊在各個流程上的適用性。 研究結果顯示,「心理模擬」在執行產品評價過程中扮演最重要的角色,而多層的感官組合就是經由此心理因素增強產品評價的效果。管理者應以此作為調整行銷策略的參考。特別是在商品陳列方式,可考慮產品機能性,然後提供適當的多層感官線索,以刺激消費者購買意願。例如將具有觸覺線索的產品設計為裸裝陳列,好讓消費者可直接感受產品質地。更進一步,可針對不同觸覺需求程度的顧客群,提供有效的感官要素,以激發不同觸覺需求程度者的購買意願。也可以配合體驗促銷方案,激勵不習慣觸摸商品的消費者 (低觸覺需求者) 體驗多層的感官線索,這樣可以提升有利的消費決策。最後,業者應盡量避免過度使用促銷工具與資訊,以免影響感官線索之說服效用。且訓練門市服務人員提供適當解說促銷內容即可,切勿逼迫消費者接收過量資訊,以免產生反效果。
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