Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

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Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2015/12

Vol. 23, No.4  p.955-1014


Real Earning Management, Accounting Earnings Management, and Market Reaction: The Roles of Earnings Forecast and Investors’ Sophistication
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Chia-Ling Chao/

Department of Accounting and Information Technology, National Chung Cheng University



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Prior research documents the association between earnings forecasts and security prices/returns, between earnings forecasts and earnings management, and between earnings management and security prices/returns. To my knowledge, no study explicitly investigates the relation among the aforementioned three mechanisms. Moreover, relevant Taiwan-based research mainly focuses on mandatory releases of earnings forecasts. Accordingly, I examine whether the association between real and accounting earnings management differs, whether investors react to these earnings management activities differently, and whether investors’ sophistication affects their reaction to firms voluntarily issuing earnings forecasts, before versus after the waiver of mandatory disclosures. Given that the reporting incentives to issue mandatory versus voluntary earnings forecasts may augur differently for investors’ reaction, I also investigate the impact of the incentives to smooth earnings and reduce forecast errors in the pre- and postvoluntary earnings forecast regimes.

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Earnings Management, Investor Sophistication, Market Reaction

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

先前探討投資人對盈餘管理行為的市場反應之相關文獻,鮮少將不同之盈餘管理行為做合併之探討,惟實際上如果企業要進行盈餘管理,係會同時採用多種工具,因此探討多種盈餘管理工具間之聯合運用情形,將有助對企業盈餘管理獲得更全貌性之了解。本文不但將盈餘管理行為區分為真實盈餘管理(真實生產、投資決策及研發費用等支出之管理)和會計盈餘管理(符合一般公認會計準則下,採用不同會計方法之盈餘管理),更納入財務預測制度和投資人精明程度做多層面之探討,以瞭解投資人精明程度對不同盈餘管理行為於不同財務預測制度規範下之的市場反應之影響,期使能對相關文獻提供一個不同層面的見解。本文除拓展了過去盈餘管理之市場反應的研究構思外,也的確獲得探討此類議題需區分盈餘管理工具和投資人精明程度之學術證據。 本文主要的研究結果可能之意涵為,精明投資人因為意識到在強制性財務預測制度取消後,自願發佈財務預測的公司,無論是為了降低實際盈餘和預測盈餘之間的差異,或是為了損益平穩化的需求,可能會進行盈餘管理的行為。然而真實盈餘管理已被證實能增加企業價值,還能降低代理成本,而會計盈餘管理隱含較多主觀判斷和操弄的空間,亦導致較高之權益成本,故精明投資人對於自願發佈財務預測的公司所從事之會計盈餘管理,給予較為負向之市場反應。 此研究結果除了可做為管理者評估發佈財務預測和進行不同的盈餘管理行為可能影響之參考外,亦可協助投資者判斷不同的盈餘管理行為對股價之衝擊。管理當局運用會計盈餘管理或是真實盈餘管理以達到其盈餘目標時,投資人對此的反應,可輔助管理當局對盈餘管理行為之瞭解。投資者亦宜透過瞭解公司特性以及分析其相關財務資訊,分辨是否發佈財務預測的公司其所要傳遞的訊息乃至於可能的影響,以作出正確之投資決策。本研究之探討有助於公司及投資人了解此新制對公司股價之影響,其研究結果相信對我國投資人與證券監理機構應都具投資決策與政策擬定之參考價值。


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