Sun Yat-Sen Management Review

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Sun Yat-Sen Management Review  2015/3

Vol. 23, No.1 跨領域質性研究特刊  p.57-90


Competitive Outsmarting: Knowledge Sharing Strategies among Rivals
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Chen-Chang Tsai, Sandra Huang/

Department of Business Administration,I-Shou University; Graduate School of Management, I-Shou University



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The question of how to share knowledge with competitors while enhance competitive advantage is worthy of investigation. This study adopts the concept of absorptive capacity as a basis for analyzing the essence of knowledge sharing and the features of knowledge categories. We argue that knowledge sharing can be a strategic behavior. Competitors would judge disparity in absorptive capacity faced by both sides to select appropriate knowledge-sharing strategies. This study details why sharing knowledge with competitors while enhance competitive advantages. Eight case studies are examined to show how to judging disparity in absorptive capacity between competitors and using different characteristics of information and professional skills to select different approaches, such as secure, protective, and creative knowledge-sharing strategies. These strategies facilitate the sharing of knowledge with competitors while creating competitive advantage. Finally, we categorized strategic knowledge-sharing behavior model as a basis for examination of theoretical contributions and practical suggestions.

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Knowledge sharing, Absorptive capacity, Competitive advantages, Case Study, Knowledge-sharing strategy

Policy and management implications
(Available only in Chinese)

知識擁有者的基本功:包括瞭解資訊(information)與專業技能 (know-how)具有不同的分享功能、掌握知識分享是互動學習的本質,並學 會判斷競爭對手的吸收能力(包括認知能力、努力、問題的複雜性)等。掌握 上述三項基本功,在知識分享的鬥智過程中將能游刃有餘,既可以保護競爭優 勢,也能伺機創造競爭優勢。 判斷雙方吸收能力差距的線索:1. 判斷認知能力差距的線索:參考過去 的成就或雙方互動過程,比較雙方運用認知能力據以發現問題、解讀問題、轉 換資訊成為解決方法(專業技能)的差異等,藉以評估雙方認知能力的差異。 2. 判斷努力差距的線索:觀察競爭者平時的投入以及對目標追求動機的強 弱。3. 情境複雜性:例如雙方共同面的問題愈複雜、愈沒有標準答案或需要 創新才能解決的問題,則愈依賴認知能力與各種情境的努力練習,方能決定雙 方吸收能力的差異。 競爭對手間的知識分享策略:根據雙方吸收能力差距有三種不同組合。 高手面對弱者,不論問題困難與否,知識分享不僅是自己複習的機會,還可藉 機提升友誼並獲得非金錢報償等。雙方實力在伯仲之間,選擇僅分享資訊,目 的是先保護競爭優勢,但可以藉由對方回饋,再伺機創造know-how 提升競爭 優勢。最後,同為高手,最好是共同面對最困難問題,沒有任何一方有把握自 行解決,二個高手互相分享資訊與know-how 的前提通常是雙方具備高度友誼 與信任,而且共同追求未來的高難度目標,認同並感受需要與高手互相合作, 才能共同對外競爭並達成個人目標。 知識分享意涵:知識分享其實是『進可攻、退可守』,鼓勵知識擁有者大 膽尋求知識分享機會,在各種不同競爭對手與知識分享的鬥智過程中,巧妙善 用本研究所提出的知識分享策略,藉以提升競爭優勢。


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