

中山管理評論  2009/6

第17卷第2期  p.483-515

應用Generalized M-vector模型於台灣公債市場免疫策略之實證
Generalized M-vector Models and Portfolio Immunization: Evidence from Taiwan Government Bond Market
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Jian-Hsin Chou、Hong-Fwu Yu、Chien-Yun Chang、Hsin-Fang Lee/

Department of Risk Management and Insurance, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology , Graduate Institute of Commerce, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Science , Department of Financial Management, Hsiuping Institute of Techn


在台灣公債市場免疫策略的實證研究㆗,傳統的免疫模型(例如 M-square、M-absolute、M-vector 等模型),皆可以得到不錯之免疫績效。 Nawalkha et al. (2003) 改良了前述傳統免疫模型,利用與現㈮流量到期㈰函數 ㈲關的債券報酬函數之泰勒展開式,並提出了 Generalized M-vector 模型。然 而此㆒ Generalized M-vector 模型,是否能在台灣公債市場達成較好的免疫績 效,仍不得而知。本研究首先採用指數基礎樣條模型為基礎,估計台灣公債市 場的利率期限結構,並用以建構債券投㈾組合,以檢驗 Generalized M-vector 模 型在台灣公債市場免疫策略之投㈾績效。實證結果發現:(㆒)公債投㈾組合㆗ 不存在債券賣空的限制㆘,Generalized M-vector 模型的免疫績效是㊝於 M-vector 模型;(㆓)若公債投㈾組合㆗存在債券賣空的情況㆘,則 Generalized M-vector 模型的免疫績效,並未㆒致性的㊝於 M-vector 模型。

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利率期限結構、Exponential B-spline模型、免疫策略、Generalized M-vector 模型


In Taiwan Government bond market, the empirical studies of bond immunization have shown that the traditional duration vector models, including the M-square, M-absolute and M-vector model, can offer good immunization performance. Recently, Nawalkha et al. (2003) corrected the aforementioned traditional duration vector models and derived a Generalized M-vector model, which is based on the Taylor series expansion of the bond return with respect to specific functions of the cash flow maturities. However, there is still no empirical result for applying this Generalized M-vector model in Taiwan Government bond market. This paper uses the exponential B-spline model to estimate the term structure of interest rates in Taiwan Government bond market and investigates the hedging performance of government bond portfolio constructed by the Generalized M-vector model approach. The empirical results indicate that (1) the Generalized M-vector model will provide better hedging performance than M-vector model when short selling in cash bond market is not allowed, (2) if short selling in cash bond market is allowed, we conclude that the Generalized M-vector model is not necessarily better than M-vector model in hedging the interest rate risk of bond portfolio.

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term structure of interest rates, Exponential B-spline model, immunization strategy, Generalized M-vector model


債券投資組合管理,一般分為積極性管理及消極性管理兩種策略,其中消極性債券投資組合管理策略,則包括指標策略 (indexing strategy)、免疫策略 (immunization strategy)、或是現金流量配合策略 (cash flow matching strategy)等。債券免疫概念最早為Redington (1952)所提出,利用資產與負債存續期間之配合,避免債券的名目價值受到利率波動的影響。目前在國外有關債券投資組合免疫策略之研究中,已陸續發展不同的免疫模型,包括M-square模型、M-absolute模型及 M-vector等模型,皆能有效的降低利率風險。然而國內有關債券投資組合免疫模型之應用,均未考慮利率期限結構變動的情況下,對債券投資組合進行免疫操作,此為應用免疫模型之重大缺失。本研究之研究目的在於採用指數基礎樣條模型,配適台灣公債市場的利率期限結構資料,建構債券投資組合,以檢驗債券投資組合之調整頻率分別為月、季、半年與一年之下,以 Generalized M-vector 模型,應用於台灣公債市場中,探討其免疫績效是否優於傳統 M-vector 免疫策略。 本文為國內首篇應用Generalized M-vector 模型,進行台灣公債市場免疫策略之研究,而本文主要的貢獻則在於發現公債投資組合中不存在債券賣空限制時,台灣公債投資組合的風險管理績效,其利用Generalized M-vector 模型進行免疫策略,將較傳統的M-vector模型得到更好之績效。此一之研究成果,除了可以提供主管機關作為制定貨幣政策之參考,並可作為台灣債券市場投資人進行債券投資組合管理、利率風險管理或避險操作之參考依據。
