

中山管理評論  2009/3

第17卷第1期  p.251-276

Can Organizational Quality Influence on Residential Morale? Evidence from Nursing Facilities in Kaohsiung
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Shwu-Feng Tsay、Jih-Hwa Wu、Shu-Chuan Jennifer Yeh/

Nursing & Long-Term Care Division, Department of Health, Executive Yuan , Department of Health Services Administration, China Medical University , Institute of Public Affairs Management, National Sun-Yat Sen University , Department of Business Managem


台灣老年㆟口快速成長已是不可忽視的現象,由於快速的老化,也影響慢 性病患的㆟口,進而促進長期照護的需求。居住安養護機構的住民是否得到㊜ 當的照護更是不可忽略的課題。本研究的目的在於探討安養護機構的品質是否 會影響到住民的士氣?本研究以調查訪問的方式訪問高雄市 223 位安養護機 構的住民。訪談內容以 Lawton (1975) 發展的老㆟士氣量表及 Moos & Lemke (1996) 發展的 MEAP 量表為主,以及個㆟相關的基本㈾料為輔。分析以描述 統計及逐步迴歸分析哪些因素會影響住民的士氣。本研究發現僅㈲某些機構的 品質會影響住民的士氣,這些是機構和諧性、住民㉂主性、工作㆟員㈾源、及 舒㊜性。而住民也會因為居住時間較長顯得士氣較高。㈰常生活活動的功能狀 況會影響到住民的士氣,但僅在分㊠的「對老化態度」及「對寂寞的不滿意」 ㆓類士氣時㈲統計㆖的意義。本研究結果㈲助益於長期照護機構照護住民時應 多加強各方面的品質改善,俾利於老㆟於長照機構的士氣。

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The growing elderly population in Taiwan has influence on the population of chronic diseases, thus, facilitating the demand of long-term care. Residents who reside in long-term care facilities need special attention on their quality of care. The purpose of this study is to examine whether the organizational quality will influence on the residential morale. We use questionnaire to survey 223 residents who reside in nursing facilities. The questionnaire includes three parts, Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale by Lawton, Multiphasic Environmental Assessment Procedure (MEAP) by Moos and Lemeke, and personal characteristics. We use descriptive analysis and stepwise regressions to attain the research purposes. The results indicate that the organizational quality of care is associated with residential morale (rapport, self-control, human resources, and security), but not every quality indicators from MEAP. Length of stay can predict residential morale as well as activities of daily living (ADLs) are associated with morale in the dimensions of attitude toward own aging and lonely dissatisfaction. Increasing in quality of care for residential will improve the residential morale.

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Long-term care, nursing facility, morale, quality of care, quality of life


