

中山管理評論  2021/9

第29卷第3期  p.383-416


Provoking Local Value and Regional Revitalizing Field: the Application of University’s Capital
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Dun-Hou Tsai, Meng-Chen Wu, Yi-Shin Wu, Chih-Yu Lee/

Department of Business Administration, National Sun Yat-sen University; Department of Business Administration, National Sun Yat-sen University; Institute of Social Innovation, National Sun Yat-sen University; iPreg Inc.


本研究以國立中山大學在高雄市前鎮草衙社區的社會實踐的歷程,探討社區轉變為地方創生場域的要素,提出激發創生場域的三個關鍵:地方價值的浮現與傳遞、網絡關係的建構與信任,以及社區夥伴在參與過程中產生的學習與認同。 其次,本研究發現大學具備特殊文化、社會、經濟與象徵資本,能在場域中扮演連結夥伴、挖掘地方價值、舉辦活動聚合社區成員的跨疆界角色,讓社區成員在合作中獲得開創學習與模仿創新的機會,對彼此產生承諾與認同感,有助地方創生場域的激發。 在社會實踐過程中,大學團隊不僅是研究者/觀察者,更是親身經歷社區開創歷程的內部實踐者/開創者。因此,本研究也提出以創制研究方法探究大學在社會實踐的動態開創歷程與內部人觀點。



社會實踐、Bourdieu 場域理論、文化資本、創制研究法


This study recorded and analyzed the social practice process of the Sun Yat-Sen University team in the Caoya community in Cianjhen, Kaohsiung City, and explored the elements of the community’s transformation into a regional revitalizing field. There are three keys to the stimulation of this transformation: the emergence and transmission of local values, the construction of networks and relationships, and the learning and recognition generated by community partners in the process of participation. Furthermore, this research found that university teams have a unique cultural, social, economic, and symbolic capital. As a result, they can play the cross-border role of connecting partners—developing local value and organizing activities to gather community members in the field. This research also reflected on the complex role of university teams in the social practice process, as they simultaneously play the researcher/observer and practitioner/innovator roles in the field. Therefore, this research also introduced an enactive research method to explore insider views during the social practice process.



Social Practice, Bourdieu’s Field Theory, Cultural Capital, Enactive Research



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