

中山管理評論  2019/3

第27卷第1期  p.57-100

DOI: 10.6160/SYSMR.201903_27(1).0002

Invisible Capital: How Founders’ Wives Influence the Core Values Development in Business Families
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Chiung-Wen Tsao, Yu-Chen Wei/

Department of Business and Management, National University of Tainan; Department of Educational Management, National Taipei University of Education







The role of women for value creation has been neglected in existing studies on family business. To fill this gap, this study adopts a qualitative research method to analyze the role of two generations of business leaders’ wives’ human capital as well as their role in business families and explore their influence on the development of the core values in the business family. The study focuses on the case of the Hong family, which was led by the founder of National Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. The findings highlight the important role of wives. Family core values originate from the shared values and beliefs of the founder and his spouse. However, in order to turn them into enduring family values and incorporate them into the organizational culture, the critical roles of wives should be considered. The wives, who are imperative family members, play a critical role in advocating, demonstrating, inheriting, and practicing these values with an appropriate division of roles. In theory, this study extends the interpretation of the relationship between human capital and family values creation and explains the influence of wives on core values development in business families. In practice, the study suggests that the new family members should be entrusted with responsibilities and given trust to ensure that they can develop better emotional ties with their new families. Moreover, assigning roles according to their capabilities and interests would enable wives to exert their influence on both business and family spheres.



Wives, Human Capital, Core Values, Business Family


家族企業是台灣企業主要的經營型態,同時也關係著社會經濟發展。因此,家族企業的成長與穩定不僅對於所屬家族而言很重要,對於國家而言也是重要的議題。女性經常是家族企業研究中被忽略的價值創造角色,從實務管理的角度來看,本研究認為,不論對草創初期的創業者、中小企業,或是羽翼成熟的龐大家族企業,了解關鍵女性家族成員的角色,將有助於事業以及家族本身長遠的發展。 本研究結果指出經營者之妻扮演穩固並延續家族核心價值觀的重要角色。因此,家族企業可以依據妻子的能力和志趣給予適當的角色分工,並信任賦權,培植家族與企業組織專屬的人力資本。此外,由於妻子是家族的外來者,不僅與整個家族在情感牽絆上較其他原生家族成員薄弱,對於家族價值觀的認同與融合更需要時間,因此核心家族成員的信任與賦權可以有效催生鑲嵌在妻子身上的人力資本和動機,使其轉化為對家族,甚至對家族的事業具競爭優勢的能耐。 本研究分析經營者之妻如何影響家族核心價值觀的發展與傳遞擴散,而價值理念屬於組織隱性的訴求,不容易透過規範或制度來形塑。本研究指出,在企業家族核心價值觀發展過程中,非位於最高職位,甚至不具有正式職位的妻子反而更能產生影響力。本研究提出了有效整合妻子能耐與推展家族核心價值觀的角色分工與作法,擴大了女性在家族中扮演傳統角色以外的價值,使其轉換為企業中具競爭力的人力資本與核心價值觀發展的重要推手。最後,雖然本研究著重在企業家族裡女性家族成員扮演的隱性角色,但這些角色帶來的管理意涵卻可以應用在非女性議題上。意即,企業不應忽視組織裡不具正式職務或非關鍵職位者對組織延續或擴散核心價值理念的影響。那些對象未必是家族成員,也可能不是女性,卻因為沒有包袱,反而可以發揮較自然的影響作用,成為外界看不見但是企業專屬的組織能耐來源。


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