

中山管理評論  2018/6

第26卷第2期  p.211-238


Exploring the Negative Experience of Mentoring Programs among New Nurses

Ching-Yuan Huang, Tsung-Chin Wu, Rhay-Hung Weng, Yu-Chen Tsai/

Department of International Business and Trade, Shu-Te University; Department of Administration, Tainan Municipal Hospital & Department of Hospital and Health Care Management, Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science; Department of Long Term Care,







Background: Mentoring program is crucial for the newly employed nurses in Taiwan. This program can facilitate to reduce the maladjustment of newly employed nurses during role transformation from one position to another and their discomfort toward new environments. However, mentoring program can also bring negative experiences. There has not been any domestic investigation on this issue yet. Objectives: This research was aimed to investigate the negative experiences generated in the implementation of mentoring program to the newly employed nurses. The results will be established as a theory of negative experiences in the mentoring program at workplace. The findings are provided as a reference to help the development of mentoring program in nursing sectors. Methods: The subjects of this research were twenty newly employed nurses servicing at their positions for less than one year at two regional hospitals in southern Taiwan. We used had a thirty to sixty minutes to make in-depth interview with each nurse, utilized semi-structure questionnaire as the way for data collection, and adopted grounded theory for data analysis. Results: Based on the data collected from the interviews of the twenty subjects, the results of this research were derived from the 160 negative thematic experiences and were compiled into 12 categories through axial coding. The twelve categories can be further developed into five main dimensions through selected encoding scheme. The five main dimensions are Institutional Dimension, Mentor Dimension, Nursing Supervisor Dimension, Other Medical Staff Dimension, and Mentee Dimension. Institutional Dimension includes Hospital System, Factor of the Mentoring Program, and Factor of Education System. Conclusion and Suggestion: The negative experience occurred to the mentee at workplace can result in leaving from the job position, manager intervention, mentor replacement, self-suffering and shadow upon the mentee. Negative experiences of mentoring program include five main dimensions (Institutional Dimension, Mentor Dimension, Mentee Dimension, Nursing Supervisor Dimension and Other Medical Staff Dimension). It is suggested that the negative experience in mentorship can be reduced by improving mentor assignment at workplace, mentor guidance time, and the qualification and competence of the mentor.



Mentoring Program, Negative Experience, Mentor, Mentee, Nurse


過去國內管理領域研究大多著重在如何職場導師制度功能的發揮,甚少深入探討在此制度實施的過程中,對於新進護理人員所造成的負面經驗。因此,本研究結果不僅可以做為未來改善醫院職場導師制度之重要依據,亦可強化國內人力資源管理、組織行為以及教育訓練實務與理論之完整性。 近來國內新進護理人員離職率偏高,本研究發現當新進護理人員對職場導師制度產生負面經驗後,對其所造成的影響為離職、自己忍耐下來或造成導生陰影,因此研究結果不僅可協助管理者了解職場導師制度負面經驗內涵及其對於新進護理人員的影響,更得以讓管理者得以充分掌握後續職場導師制度改善的方向,降低新進護理人員離職率。此外,本研究結果從原因條件、介入條件到產生負面經驗,及負面經驗對於職場導生的後續影響,建立出一套完整且可供後續驗證的理論,亦可作為未來醫務管理、人力資源管理與組織行為學者進行職場導師制度負面經驗量表發展與實證架構建立之重要參考。 本研究發現職場導師制度產生的負面經驗包含制度構面、導師構面、導生構面、護理主管構面、其他醫療人員等五大構面,而後續職場導師制度可改進的方向包含職場導師的配置、職場導師制度指導時間、職場導師的任用資格等面向。在職場導師的配置方面建議在指導時間內,導生與導師的班別盡量安排在同一個班別,才不會造成導生要適應過多職場導師的教導方式;在職場導師指導時間方面:建議指導時間至少要三個月,但如果已有經驗的導生,可視導生學習情況而定;在導師任用資格方面,建議職場導師應任用N2以上護理師較為恰當,此外也建議至少應經過教育訓練才能擔任職場導師這個角色,在進行導師教育訓練時,除了告知導師如何教導導生外,亦可舉辦溝通議題相關的演講讓導師了解與導生如何溝通,最後,導師除教導護理技術外,亦須教導導生參與醫療團隊的注意事項,找出與醫療團隊成員相處方式。


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