

中山管理評論  2014/12

第22卷第4期  p.711-758


Does 921 Earthquake Have Asymmetric and Structural Changes on Taiwan’s Stock Returns?
(635658094748938750.pdf 2,172KB)

蔡群立、陳淑儀、何志欽/Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University, Economic Development Bureau, Kaohsiung City Government, Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University
Chun-Li Tsai, Su-Yi Chen, Chih-Chin Ho/



本文是應用極值理論,檢定台灣二十六個產業報酬率之極端風險值,是 否因 921 地震而有所改變,我們分別觀察尾端指數與尾端分位數是否會因 921 地震而有顯著改變;換言之,本文關心 921 地震前、後,各產業指數上 漲及下跌風險是否具一致性,這為「結構性改變」檢定;另一方面,我們分 別探討台灣產業之左尾端分位數(下降風險值)在 921 地震前(後)是否和右尾端 分位數(潛在上升風險值)有所差異,這稱為「非對稱性改變」檢定。本文也 進一步探討產業與市場大盤加權指數、及兩兩產業間的共同超額機率,是否 會因 921 地震而存在結構性及非對稱性改變。 研究結果發現 921 地震後,大多產業報酬率之下降風險大於潛在上升風 險值,且產業指數之下降風險及潛在上升風險均有顯著增加,此結果顯示台 灣大多產業極端風險值存在結構性改變,且 921 地震過後,產業極端風險值 之非對稱性更為顯著。另外,我們發現兩兩產業間之共同上漲及共同下跌之 機率,於 921 地震前、後均無顯著差異;然而,921 地震過後,兩兩產業間 共同下跌的機率則都顯著高於共同上漲的機率。

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This paper applies “extreme value theory” to test if tail risk values of 26 industries in Taiwan’s stock market change due to 921 Earthquake. We test if tail index and tail quantile significantly change due to 921 Earthquake, respectively. That is, our paper concerns if downside risk and upward potential risk for each sectoral index are consistent prior to and posterior 921 Earthquake. This is called “Structural Change test”. On the other side, we test if left tail quantile (downside risk) is the same with the right tail quantile (upward potential risk) before (and after)921 Earthquake, respectively. This is called “Asymmetric change test”. Besides, this paper future tests if the co-exceedance probabilities for sectoral indices with respect to market weigthet index, and for paris of sectoral indices have structural and asymmetric changes prior to and posterior 921 Earthquake. Our empirical results indicate downside risks are significantly larger than upward risks for most industries posterior to 921 Earthquake. Both downside risks and upward potential risks significantly increase after the 921 Earthquake. These findings imply 921 Earthquake causes the tail risk values to have structural change on most sectoral indices. On the other hand, after 921 Earthquake, the asymmetries of tail risk values are more significant. Besides, we find the probabilities of simultaneous booms or simultaneous crashes for pairs of sectoral indicies before 921 Earthquake are not significantly different from those after 921 Earthquake. However, the probabilities of simultaneous crashes for pairs of sectoral indicies after 921 Earthquake are significantly larger than those of simultaneous booms.

(635653201124563750.pdf 235KB)


Extreme Value Theory, 921 Earthquake, Tail Risk Value, Asymmetric Change, Structural Change


由於當今金融商品的普及化,風險管理也因此逐漸被企業或股市投資者所重視,而衡量風險值的方法有許多,基於『極值理論』較能捕捉到財務資料厚尾的特色,因此,本研究使用極值理論估計921地震前、後各產業的尾端風險值,我們檢定921地震前、後各產業指數上漲及下跌風險是否一致;並探討台灣產業之下降風險值與潛在上升風險值在921地震前(後)是否有所不同。同時,我們也使用極值理論,分別探討產業間的共同超額機率是否存在非對稱,並檢定921地震前、後的產業間共同超額機率是否有結構性改變。換言之,我們觀察921地震對財務市場產業間風險的傳染是否有明顯改變,同時,本研究也檢定各產業與大盤加權指數之間的共同超額機率是否因921地震而有所改變。 本研究發現,921地震過後,台灣產業報酬率的下降風險大於潛在上升風險,且研究也顯示,無論是潛在上升風險或下降風險,921地震後均明顯增加,且下降風險的增加更為顯著,隱含台灣產業報酬率下降風險的結構性改變較潛在上升風險更加顯明。本文也發現產業間的報酬率在921地震前比較容易發生共同上漲,而921地震確實會造成產業間的共變關係有所改變(如產業間的報酬率由較易共同上漲變為較易共同下跌)。 當管理當局或市場投資者未來面臨類似921地震災害時,本文研究結果可做為其投資策略參考。比如,以電子產業為例,本文發現921地震前,電子產業報酬率上漲的機率大於下跌的機率,而921地震過後,報酬率下跌的機率則大於上漲的機率;另外,由左尾尾端分位數結構性改變的結果發現, 921地震過後電子產業報酬率下跌所遭受最大損失之估計值大於921地震前報酬率下跌所承受之損失值;意指,電子業報酬率於921地震過後,可能面臨較高的下跌機率且其跌幅較921地震前為深。隱含電子產業之管理當局不宜再投資高風險之方案,避免造成報酬率大跌;而對市場投資者而言,除採較保守策略外,同時建議應做好投資分散風險之策略。
