

中山管理評論  2012/3

第20卷第1期  p.327-345

Being Expansion or Conservation? The Development Strategy of Hoolyy Enterprise in Mainland China’s Food Service Chain Stores
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Yueh-Chin Chen、Chang-Yung Kung、Jian-Shen Chen、Tieh-Chun Chang/

Department of Business Administration, Chaoyang University of Technology , Department of International Business, National Taichung University of Education , Department of Insurance, Chaoyang University of Technology , Department of Business Administration


最近㈩多年來台灣許多知㈴連鎖品牌挾台灣㊝勢進入㆗國市場以擴展事 業版圖,但卻也出現層出不窮的糾紛或投㈾不利事件。台商如何成功進軍㆗國 大陸發展連鎖品牌,並落實當㆞化管理與㆟才培育成了海外加盟事業發展的成 功要件之㆒。本個案介紹台灣㆒家小型餐飲公司─豪俐㈽業㆓度進入大陸餐飲 市場之過程,內容陳述其第㆒次進入大陸福州市場的失敗經驗,如何改變㈽業 主大陸市場經營思維、和影響其第㆓次進入大陸市場之策略作為,包括:當㆞ 化營運思維、行銷策略擬定與執行、加盟管理制度建立、跨文化管理與㆟才培 育,從㆗進㆒步討論豪俐現階段是否應擴張業務㉃㆖海以外㆞區?或守成現㈲ ㆖海市場的營運決策選擇。從個案㆗可以了解到大陸餐飲文化、消費㈵性、展 店策略、當㆞化思維、加盟制度與㆟員管理等議題。

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In the recent decades, many famous chain brands in Taiwan take their competitive advantages of Taiwanese brands to enter the mainland China market to extend their business; however, several disputes and events about disadvantageous investments are emerging in the endless stream. How Taiwanese businessmen enter the mainland China’s markets successfully and develop the chain brands, while at the same time carrying out the localization management and cultivation of talents, seem to be one of the essential factors to develop the overseas franchise projects. In this case, the author introduces the process of how a small-sized food chain enterprise - Hoolyy twice enters the China’s food chain industry, and describes the failure experience as Hoolyy firstly enter the mainland China’s market in Fu Zhou City, and how to change the mind of owner of enterprise while running business in mainland China’s market; additionally, modifying the strategies while those are affective toward the achievement of secondly entering the mainland China’s market. Whether Hoolyy should currently expand its running business to the rest regions apart from Shanghai City, or maintain the operations strategy presently for the market of Shanghai City. From this case study the readers may understand the related issues about the food service culture, the consumer characteristics, strategies for extending business, localization thinking, franchise system and staff management in mainland China.

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chain store management, failure, cross culture management, development strategy


近年來,許多台灣知名大型連鎖加盟品牌進入中國大陸市場擴展事業版圖,但其事業擴展方式卻多採總店直營、而非台灣盛行的加盟模式發展分店,如85度c大陸展店近三百家,卻全部採直營而不開放加盟。究其主要原因多為大陸加盟主管理不易、加盟店經營品質難以管理等問題。但對小型連鎖品牌業者而言,若要進入中國大陸市場,卻無法如85度c擁有龐大的資金和資源挹助來發展直營店之情況下,如何採取加盟模式來發展連鎖加盟事業?該如何建立完善的連鎖加盟管理制度和管理大陸加盟主與員工,以成功發展大陸連鎖加盟事業? 本研究個案介紹台灣小型餐飲公司─豪俐企業如何進入大陸餐飲市場發展連鎖加盟品牌及策略作為,包括:當地化管理思維、行銷策略擬定與執行、加盟管理制度建立和跨文化管理。從中進一步討論豪俐現階段是否應擴張業務至上海以外地區?或守成現有上海市場的營運決策選擇。從個案研究中可了解之政策與管理意涵有:(一)中小型企業台商赴大陸發展事業應有「本尊長駐」心態以專注事業發展。(二)大陸餐飲文化與消費習性和台灣迥異,在產品經營、行銷策略擬定應以當地化思維來考量。(三) 相較追求快速展店,台商應朝建立完善加盟制度與強化管理加盟主品質,更有助於連鎖品牌知名度之建立。(四) 建立明確管理制度和培養陸籍幹部,可深化當地化管理和了解消費習性,有助於行銷活動之發展和消費者互動。(五)區域總代理模式或有助於連鎖加盟事業之發展。
